News Tagged ‘san diego gas and electric’
SDG&E Requests 7% Rate Hike
I wrote in my last blog post that San Diego Gas and Electric would raise rates on consumers following their increase in insurance premiums. Well, here we go!
SDGE causes 3 fires…and San Diegans pay for it.
In 2007, SDGE was blamed for 3 wildfires because of “shoddy maintenance” and agreed to pay out almost $15 million, and Sempra Energy plans to pass the cost of the increased insurance to San Diego homeowners
Solar Rebate Programs are Working in California
There are 2 main sources of rebates that will help with financing solar installations. These solar rebates are the California Solar Initiative and the New Solar Homes Partnership.
Net Energy Metering
The net metering system sends over-produced power back into the grid for other customers to use, then when the over-producing customers run out they receive back the same amount they sent in to the grid.
In Regards to Solar: Why California Politicians Need to Act Quickly
Please urge your California State representatives to pass a bill to increase the capacity for Net Energy Metering.
California Solar Initiative Thermal Program benefits San Diego Solar Clients
As part of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Million Solar Roofs” vision, San Diego Gas and Electric customers are now offered incentives to install solar hot water heating systems in their homes and businesses.
California Begins Solar Water-Heating Rebates
The goal of the program is to install 300,000 solar hot water systems by 2017.
SDG&E vs. Solar Installation
Homeowners in San Diego can not eliminate San Diego Gas and Electric. We can at least limit their ability to raise rates with a solar electric system.
The San Diego Convention Center is Installing a Solar Photovoltaic System
The San Diego Convention Center is getting a solar photovoltaic system installed on the rooftop that is capable of offsetting 10 percent of the facility’s electrical consumption.
SDG&E’s Proposal Does Not Support Solar
SDG&E wants to unfairly target conservative users, fixed income retirees, and people who don’t run their appliances all day.
San Diego’s CleanTECH Wins $154M in Stimulus Funds
The U.S. Department of Energy announced the winners of the federal stimulus funding in San Diego. CleanTECH wins while SDG&E loses.
The Electric Vehicle Wars have Begun
SDG&E is set to deploy around 2,250 charging stations for the emerging electric vehicle market in San Diego.
Federal Grant Awarded to SDG&E for Smart-Grid Innovations
San Diego Gas and Electric was declared eligible for federal grant money to stimulate energy innovations as part of the $3.4 billion in smart-grid funding announced by President Barack Obama.
SDG&E’s Proposal to Reset Electric Rates
Last week, San Diego Gas and Electric asked The California Public Utilities Commission to consider a realignment of their rate structure. They proposed an increase in energy rates on users who use less energy and a reduction in rates on those who consume more.