
News Tagged ‘sdg&e’

SDG&E Requests 7% Rate Hike

I wrote in my last blog post that San Diego Gas and Electric would raise rates on consumers following their increase in insurance premiums. Well, here we go!

SDGE causes 3 fires…and San Diegans pay for it.

In 2007, SDGE was blamed for 3 wildfires because of “shoddy maintenance” and agreed to pay out almost $15 million, and Sempra Energy plans to pass the cost of the increased insurance to San Diego homeowners

Is a solar installation expensive?

People often assume that solar is expensive. In fact, that is the objection I get the most when talking to San Diego homeowners who are thinking about investing in a solar electric installation. I always answer, “NO, your SDGE bill is expensive!!”

In Regards to Solar: Why California Politicians Need to Act Quickly

Please urge your California State representatives to pass a bill to increase the capacity for Net Energy Metering.

California Begins Solar Water-Heating Rebates

The goal of the program is to install 300,000 solar hot water systems by 2017.

SDG&E vs. Solar Installation

Homeowners in San Diego can not eliminate San Diego Gas and Electric. We can at least limit their ability to raise rates with a solar electric system.

SDG&E’s Proposal Does Not Support Solar

SDG&E wants to unfairly target conservative users, fixed income retirees, and people who don’t run their appliances all day.

San Diego’s CleanTECH Wins $154M in Stimulus Funds

The U.S. Department of Energy announced the winners of the federal stimulus funding in San Diego. CleanTECH wins while SDG&E loses.

The Electric Vehicle Wars have Begun

SDG&E is set to deploy around 2,250 charging stations for the emerging electric vehicle market in San Diego.

Federal Grant Awarded to SDG&E for Smart-Grid Innovations

San Diego Gas and Electric was declared eligible for federal grant money to stimulate energy innovations as part of the $3.4 billion in smart-grid funding announced by President Barack Obama.

SDG&E’s Proposal to Reset Electric Rates

Last week, San Diego Gas and Electric asked The California Public Utilities Commission to consider a realignment of their rate structure. They proposed an increase in energy rates on users who use less energy and a reduction in rates on those who consume more.